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    Our works

    Development of telegram bot and landing page of the TOM CATS crypto ecosystem

    Integration of telegram bots of the TON CATS crypto project ecosystem into one system, setting up an API for product communication, integration with Google Pub/Sub. Development of the project's web page. JS libraries were used for animation. Adding Yandex.Metrica for site statistics.

    QC File and Workflow Application

    Technologies: Python, Django, JavaScript, React.JS, JQuery,  Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Amazon S3, MongoDB. Duration: 6 months   Business goal of that project is allow to the users upload files with information about mortgage, fill the checklist about mortgage and generate and view reports (individually and monthly). The program have different types of user with different access rights. A 'customer' can upload files and view reports. Application use S3 Storage for holding files. A 'reviewer' can fill the checklist and generate reports. A 'administrator' can manage user accounts.