ECMAScript 6

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Если у вас есть готовый план проекта, либо его задумка, оставьте свои контактные данные. Мы с вами обязательно свяжемся и поможем в реализации идеи!

    Наши работы

    Социальная сеть

    Technologies: node.js, ECMAScript 6, ExpressJS, React.JS, FluxJS, Git, Heroku, MongoDB YourStance is a social networking website where people can voice their opinion on important issues of the day. The site consists of users, hashtags and comments on both. The idea of the site is that people create a profile and then answer hot-button issues. User can go to someone’s profile page and see where they stand for topics/issues like illegal immigration, torture, etc. From the technical side the project consists of server and client. Server implemented using node.js, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Heroku. Client is a single page application (SPA) currently implemented using ReactJS and mainly Reflux. Among other tasks were:

    • создание базы данных веб-сайта;
    • переход с Reflux на vanilla FluxJS;
    • использование ECMAScript 6 на стороне сервера и клиента.